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Be Strong, God is With You

The year 2015 is new. It’s a white canvas, a fresh start, a book with 365 blank pages that the tip of a pen has not touched. 2015 is uncharted waters. The coming days of this new year surely hold abundant joys, fears, temptations, failures, excitements, challenges, laughter, illnesses, despairs, tears, questions, accomplishments, weaknesses, and celebrations. How can a person even begin to wade through all of these? “Take it a day at a time. You’ll be fine.” But what if your biggest and most overwhelming fears, and failures, and despairs, and questions, and weaknesses hit you all in one day? And then the next day, and the next day, and the next… Where will your strength come from?

“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”

Joshua 1:9

There is a God who is watching you on this last day before you step into a new year. He’s not only watching you; He’s watching over you. He is holding you, and guiding you, and surrounding you with His unfailing Fatherly love. He is with you wherever you go. Whatever 2015 holds, you can know with absolute certainty that you can go to it. You can go to every fear and temptation and challenge and despair and question, because He will go to it with you. He will go through it with you. He can taste and see and feel every sorrow, every hurt, every tear. You can go to every success and joy and celebration 2015 brings, for He will be there. Whether you find yourself in the most forsaken depths of the deepest sea or the lofty thrill of the highest mountain, He is there.

Knowing this, you can be strong. You can be of good courage. You won’t have to be dismayed throughout 2015. For the Lord your God is with you. Wherever you go.

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