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Christmas Letter 2023

Wishing you Happy Holidays from the Heysteks! I started this Christmas letter tradition in 2018, the Christmas after Camden was born. I’m so thankful I did; I truly love looking back over the years and seeing God’s goodness and faithfulness through all things. 

     Last year around this time, I was nearing the end of my pregnancy with Kallan and we found out from Titus and Lisa that they were expecting a baby in July! We were excited to meet this new little one and for our kids to meet their first Heystek cousin. 

     On January 18, Kallan James Heystek joined our crew at 11:22am. He weighed 9 pounds 11 ounces, and was even born in the same birth center room I had Aria in. He is named after his Auntie Jamie. Camden and Aria were so excited to have a little brother and made sure to smother him with love and kisses! My parents came out to visit us about five days after Kallan was born; my mom was able to be in Lynden for his baptism and even my birthday. Those early postpartum months were a challenge for me, with a newborn, a busy two-year-old, and a four-year-old who needed to be in preschool two days a week. Darren’s mom helped a great deal by driving Camden to preschool for me every week. Around this time some of our close friends moved away from Lynden, and we were sad to see them go. God continued to provide bright spots through those months though; at the end of March, baby Cecilia Joy was born to Kaity and Brent. It is such a sweet blessing to share a middle name with her. Kallan has proven to be the brightest little sunshine too; he is always smiling a smile so big, his eyes squint up. No matter if he's sick or tired he has always smiled and laughed often and easily.

     At the beginning of April, my parents and Jamie came out to visit again during her spring break. During that week, Darren suggested that we fly our family out to Iowa for Jamie’s high school graduation to surprise her, so we began planning that trip. Aria turned three on April 28, and we celebrated with a trip to the tulip fields and one of the kids’ favorite places - Castle Fun Park in Canada - with Heysteks. We even coaxed Camden into a Go-Kart ride (Aria didn’t need any coaxing). 

     At the beginning of May we made the trip to Iowa; four-month-old Kallan did well on his first flight, and we were able to surprise Jamie. We enjoyed a busy week filled with Kooima cousin playdates (Sadie and Aria are outnumbered now by Camden, Reggie, Jay, and Kallan), visits to Iowa friends, graduation parties, connecting with extended family on both the Kooima and Groen sides, Mother’s Day, and of course watching Jamie graduate from Trinity! 

     When we returned home we enjoyed beautiful spring weather and looked forward to Camden’s summer break starting at the beginning of June. Aria learned to ride a bike and we had warm enough weather to run through the sprinklers. On Memorial Day I was surprised with a visit from my mom, Jamie, my Auntie Stacy, and my cousin Kalley! The only person missing was my Auntie Kim, who became sick just a few days before the trip and couldn’t make it. We missed her through a week of beautiful weather, taking the Schwitters around Lynden, hiking by the ocean, and visiting Deception Pass. It was a week full of laughter that was the perfect medicine for me! Soon after they left, Camden graduated from preschool, looking way too grown-up at his graduation for this mom’s heart! We were so thankful for his time at Emmanuel Christian School, his wonderful teachers and classmates, and all the learning he did over the year that was based in Scripture.

     A few highlights over the summer for us: our first overnight camping trip with all three kids, watching Camden and Aria learn to drive the used ride-on tractors we found, and a two-night trip to Seattle with the Heysteks. We enjoyed visits to the Museum of Flight, the zoo, and a Mariner’s game. We were able to meet Amanda’s boyfriend Trent, and spent the 4th of July doing a boating day with them, followed by a barbeque and fireworks at our place. Another highlight was publishing my second children’s book, God Made Sunshine, which came in the mail at the beginning of July. During July we enjoyed many days in the pool with all three kids and spent lots of time harvesting from the garden with their tractors (much to Camden’s delight). But the biggest summer highlight was meeting Emersyn Renae, born to Titus and Lisa on July 28. We are thankful for this precious gift added to the Heystek family, and loved watching the kids (especially Aria) obsess over their new cousin. 

     We celebrated Cam’s fifth birthday on August 18 with a day at the Northwest Washington fair. Soon after, we found ourselves school shopping to get him ready for Kindergarten at Covenant Christian School, which he began right at the end of August. We spent Labor Day with the Heysteks by taking a ferry to Friday Harbor on San Juan Island.

     This fall was very busy for us as we helped Camden adjust to school, visited his classroom, and launched my book with a book signing during a visit from my parents in October. During that week, we spent a lot of time playing Candyland with Cam, visiting Edaleen for ice cream, and again taking the ferry to Friday Harbor with my parents, this time renting a few cars to explore a little more of the island’s beaches and the lighthouse.

     We have enjoyed nice weather through the end of October and most of November! We took the kids to the pumpkin patch, spent a chilly but sunny day playing by the ocean at Boulevard Park, and celebrated Thanksgiving with the Kaptein side. Darren was able to take a two-night trip to Las Vegas with some friends to watch his favorite college football team play in the championship game there. After he came home, we started celebrating the Christmas season! We’ve enjoyed taking the kids to the Lighted Christmas Parade in Lynden, putting up our Christmas tree, and watching Christmas programs live-streamed from Sadie’s preschool and Loveland (where Amanda is teaching). Just last week, we got a FaceTime call from Amanda and Trent to show us her engagement ring :) we look forward to having them in Washington with us for Christmas, and also to their wedding in 2024, God willing.

     Overall, 2023 has taught me much about navigating the tossing waves of life’s highs and lows with God’s grace and strength as an anchor, the only anchor. We are so thankful that though life is filled with so many changes, even in the space of one year, God’s love and promises never change. The gift of His salvation never changes. And through the ever-changing landscape and winding path of God’s people here on earth, His presence never changes, and the Light up ahead never dims or wavers. If anything it only grows stronger with every step toward our Savior and our home in Heaven with Him. We pray that whatever your Christmas season looks like this year, you trust with all your heart that He continues to love and care for you. Have a blessed holiday season!

                                                       Love, The Heysteks - Darren, Kelsey, Camden, Aria, & Kallan

“Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”

John 8:12 KJV

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