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Take Us Home

Lord I come to You in tears

With many weary souls in mind

I lift them unto You in prayer

In the quiet of the night

These souls are hurting deeply

With pain beyond all words

These souls are growing weak

Under the burden of the world

They are the souls of all around me

My soul included too

We are tired and we are ready

To leave this life and be with You

Lord, please come to take us Home

Gather us in Your arms

Let us run through the gates of Heaven

To a place of no pain, no tears, no harm

I want nothing more tonight

Than to gather all those I love

To cling tightly to them and fly

To our eternal Home above

To run through the shining streets

With my loved ones close around me

To greet the precious souls

That we have missed so dearly

I want to laugh and sing with angels

To rejoice the end of goodbyes

To hold on tight, to never let go

As together we lift Your praises high

We will walk arm in arm with Jesus

Our hearts filled with love and peace

We will never again shed tears

For all the pain has ceased

This is my prayer tonight Lord

Comfort our weary souls

Hold us in Your sweet embrace

And please come soon to take us Home.

There are many days when I absolutely long to be in Heaven. When I see others going through the pain of losing a loved one, and think of the losses I’ve had in my life, and see the absolute sorrow this life sometimes holds, I feel overwhelmed with a desire to be swept up into the loving arms of God along with everyone in this life I hold dear. We are all running the race toward eternity, toward a place where pain and tears and sorrow have ceased to exist, and my legs sometimes just can’t move fast enough. How joyous a day that will be when we can run past the finish line and through the beautiful streets of Heaven.

“And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” Revelation 21:4

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