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White As Snow

Today we are having the first ‘real snow’ of the year (we’ve had some dusting), and just like every year when the snow returns, it brings mixed feelings for everyone. We exclaim our delight and we grumble about the snow’s inconvenience. We admire it’s beauty on the days it falls lightly and complain when it’s snowing sideways because of all that wind!

I do my fair share of complaining when winter hits, but the snow still amazes me every year. There are bright days when the sun splashes over the snow’s surface and it sparkles like thousands of diamonds. There are the nights when the snow falls so softly that when you stand near the window in the warmth of your home and look out, the world seems entirely quiet, and peaceful, and calm. And then there is the most important characteristic of the snow that never fails to return and ring true every year. It is brilliantly white.

Isaiah 1:18: “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”

Humans are visual beings, and God knows this because He has created our every detail. He knows that we benefit from pictures of the Heavenly concepts that are difficult and sometimes impossible for us to wrap our minds around. So here is the snow. The snow that is a picture of us, after we have been washed of the filth of our sins. Here is the snow that returns every year, unfailing as God’s promise of salvation never fails, never ceases. The brilliant white that covers the ground is even just a shadow of the brilliant white we become after having been washed in the blood of Jesus Christ. So whether it’s falling sideways, sparkling in the sun, or gently touching the earth, it’s a gift. It’s a picture of His greatest promise.

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